New Mythology Quiz

Follow Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, into the mythic woods and help her save her animals by answering related questions about her! The more you score, the higher your position will be on the  game's  leaderboard . Click here to play the game !

awesome bronze statues


Well, it's really really hot here in Greece, but I still am in the city because I am very into my mythology project. So, with the help of some "submarine" (that's a greek candy-like spoon sweet, dipped in a glass of ice-cold water) to keep me fresh, I am writing and writing, posting pictures, correcting sometimes...

Today I went to the Archaeological Museum of my hometown Piraeus (that's the harbor of Athens), because I was really curious how the neighbourhood my grandmother was from ("Apollo Piraeus"), got its name...

In the Museum I found the answer. Look above, that's the legendary "Apollo from Piraeus", dating back to the 4th century BC. Looks like Apollo was very popular in our region :). But the museum had a lot more to offer. I was impressed by the many interesting sculptures, especially the bronze ones, and how well they are preserved.
Here is a link to the official website of the museum.

And since this summer we are reviving the ..."bronze age" here in Piraeus (everyone is much sun!), I thought I'd update some gods' pages with bronze statues . Here they are: Apollo, Artemis, and Athena. Lets call it " Summer Edition" :D. I hope you like them!


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